Really Good Marketing & Design

Island Hopping


The only thing better than the crisp taste of a beer to help you unwind after a long day is knowing it's brewed with premium ingredients. Say buh-bye to all those adjuncts and fillers found in some of those mass-market beers. And say hello to your new easy drinking adult beverage.

Last year, some friends brought us their beer and wanted to know if we were game to do some fun work together. After a handshake and some celebratory cheers, we signed on to partner with the newly-formed company to help with branding, website creation and ongoing strategy and marketing.

After knocking back one or two (or five) pints, we zeroed in on the messaging for Island Coastal Lager - ICL to those in the know. ICL is a quality lager created to appease craft connoisseurs, but one light enough to drink all day on the boat or beach. Through brainstorming sessions, branding exercises and the occasional whiff of salt air, we reinterpreted the team's vision to create the ICL story, including their values, mission and vision statements. We also crushed some cans and penned the messaging for the beer's packaging and marketing collateral.

Next, our creative team put their heads together to conceptualize multiple design schemes for the ICL can. The winning direction: a crisp blue and white can inpsired by the coast with an easy-going attitude. Tiny detailed accents give the can a personality that's totally gnar.

Once we had the can and design theme done, we dove in. Tshirts, hats, coasters and oh, yeah, did we mention we're wrapping a boat?

Thanks to ICL, all of our summer hydration prayers, forever, have been answered. We’ve gone as far as installing a keg of this beezo in our office - that’s how on board we are. When 3 o’clock rolls around a unanimous, “beer me” can be heard across the room.
